EIRA: this is a selective roleplaying blog for larian studio's BALDUR'S GATE 3 "TAV" PLAYABLE CHARACTER. she is not my first since playing early release, but the one i have currently dedicated the most time to story-wise. i am still in the process of completing the full release game, but i don't mind spoilers. everything surrounding this character's background and anything not related to the in-game storyline is completely mine, and i record my own gameplay for gifs and edits. please do not steal my headcanons, edits, etc.THEMES: baldur's gate 3 contains triggering themes, and as such, the content on this blog may not be for everyone. i understand some background characters may have trauma, but i will not entertain anyone who writes certain trauma in excrutiating detail. i do not have any triggers, but will tag mine as trigger //. any nsfw posts will be tagged as usfw // and visuals may likely get their own sideblog.SELECTIVITY: this blog is mutuals only. if i don't follow you back, it's nothing personal. i probably just don't see our characters interacting. if you choose to no longer write with me, that's fine - please just soft block to avoid the awkwardness of me attempting to interact with you.
- - - MUTUALS, PLEASE feel free to reply to any asks if you would like to continue a thread! I have the snipping tool, so replying to the ask directly is not an issue for me!
SHIPPING: this blog is multi-ship, and 18+ and for my own comfort, i would rather not interact with anyone under the age of 21, as i am in my early 30s. i love platonic and angsty ships, but should you see our muses interacting on a romantic level, feel free to discuss the possibility with me! any romantic-leaning memes sent to test the waters isn't auto-shipping imo.
- - - NOTE: i am a sloot for aesthetics, and may have "ship" boards on eira's pinterest board based on my gameplay. however, i just want to make it clear that i do not autoship Eira with her in-game romances!!

MAINS: after establishing a writing rapport, i don't mind mains, but i do not practice exclusivity because i believe in coming up with unique dynamics with every writing partner. i will not be listing any "affiliated" blogs on my pinned post. as far as i'm concerned, if we're writing together, we're affiliated.
- - - ( and i promise this isn't a slight toward anyone who has affiliated blogs! i just have this fear of possibly making someone feel left out but i love everyone i interact with ok )
DNI: do not interact if you support or portray the following on your blog: incest, non-con, dub-con, pedophilia, animal abuse, zionism, aging up underage characters for the purpose of smut.FANDOMS: at this time, i am trying to keep my list small, and therefore, would prefer to only write with muses that fall within the BG3 and D&D sphere. i am also open to writing within the ELDER SCROLLS universe, but any other fandoms might be a case-by-case basis. modern blogs who have fantasy verses are also welcome. <3
- - - unless you are a multi blog, i would rather not interact with the following fandoms: anime, anything modern, critical role (some exceptions), urban fantasy, anything in the sarah j maas universe, asoiaf, far cry 5.
FORMATTING: i do some light formatting, mostly use icons, and obtain my psds from somresources. in no way do i expect anyone to format their replies in any specific way!
- - - any in-game edits, icons, and gifs are made by me and i ask that you do not reblog unless otherwise specified.
DRAMA: i'm old and tired and i don't want to deal with it. if you have issues with someone, it isn't my cross to bear.MUN: on that note, hi! welcome! i'm BARD, formerly known as STELLA in case you were wondering. 25+.
- - - she/they, pansexual, latina, neurodivergent, EST. activity is low to medium at this time.

BIRTH NAME: eira korlys.
AGE: 28. verse dependent.
HOMETOWN: baldur's gate, sword coast, western heartlands, faerûn.
RESIDING: waterdeep, sword coast north, faerûn.
- (was living in waterdeep just prior to nautiloid kidnapping)
ORIENTATION: pansexual & demiromantic.
RACE: human.
CLASS: cleric, life domain.
DIETY: selûne, goddess of the moon.
BACKGROUND: acolyte.
[ formerly a priestess of selûne in waterdeep before her temple was attacked. it was then, while defending herself, that she was bestowed her cleric abilities by the moonmaiden. ]
EYES: bright blue.
HAIR: dark brown.
[ hair length: before the nautiloid, eira took pride in her long tresses, often braiding them. however, they caught fire after the nautiloid crash, and she was forced to cut the burnt bits off, leaving her with shoulder-length hair to her dismay. ]
HEIGHT/BUILD: 5'4" / slim, slender, athletic.
NOTABLE TRAITS: after receiving selûne's blessing, her eyes sometimes appear to have have a silver glow depending on the lighting.
MARKS/SCARS: a cut on her neck from when the attackers at her temple held a dagger to her throat.
FC: alexandra dowling.
PARENTS: callista and edmur korlys (alive).
SIBLING(S): garrick korlys (older brother/alive).
- eira moved to waterdeep in her teens to serve at the house of the moon, but her parents and brother still reside in baldur's gate.
PERSONALITY: kind, somewhat distant, observant.
- prior to becoming a cleric, eira was quiet, naive, and rather sheltered. she developed thicker skin over time growing up, and has become far more cautious after witnessing the defilement of her temple and murder of her lover (the dream companion looks very much like said lover).
ALIGNMENT: chaotic good.
MYERS-BRIGGS: ENFP - the campaigner.
WEAPONS: moonlight glaive, quarterstaff, mace, shield.
cantrips guidance, light, sacred flame, resistance.
level one bless, cure wounds, guiding bolt, inflict wounds, healing word, shield of faith.
level two aid, lesser restoration, prayer of healing, spiritual weapon.
level three guardian of faith, banishment, spirit guardians.

ACTIVITY: this is a low to medium activity blog. i tend to be a bit sporadic, as i work 8am to 5pm and deal with a two hour commute both ways, but i do try to get replies in as often as i can.THEFT: sapphire is a canon character from bethesda's the elder scrolls v: skyrim and i have kept the details of her back story while expanding on them. everything i've come up with outside of canon is completely my own, as sapph is my baby and i've been developing her since the beginning of 2020 (formerly stolengem & gemstole). i do not have a problem with mirrors, but i do have a problem with my creative liberties being stolen, so please don't be that guy. if you roleplay a sapphire and would like to discuss metas that fall into something you had in mind, feel free to discuss it with me.SELECTIVITY: this blog is mutuals only. if i don't follow you back, it's nothing personal. i probably just don't see our characters interacting. if you choose to no longer write with me, that's fine - please just soft block to avoid the awkwardness of me attempting to interact with you.TRIGGERS: it is canon that sapphire is a victim of SA and it will be very lightly touched upon in her bio as well as when mentioning her scars. i will not write out or discuss the details of what happened in length.
- various additional triggers will be present on this blog (war, violence, death, paternal abandonment, trauma, etc.), and tagged accordingly as trigger //. should you have any specific triggers, feel free to let me know and i will tag them upon request. i do try to keep up with triggers when i read others' rules to the best of my ability and if i forget to tag something, please feel free to let me know.
MAINS: i will will likely max out at three of one kind of muse. this merely means i will prioritize writing with mains, but will welcome additional of the same muse at all times! the only exclusivity i practice is ship exclusivity but do not require any writing partners to do so.

DNI: do not interact if you support or portray the following on your blog: incest, non-con, dub-con, pedophilia, animal abuse, zionism, aging up underage characters for the purpose of smut. i'm trying to give this site the benefit of the doubt, so i will refrain from placing specific fandoms on a DNI list.SHIPPING: this blog is multi-ship, and 18+ and for my own comfort, i would rather not interact with anyone under the age of 18, as i am over the age of 25. mature themes are possible, but beyond one-shot memes or headcanons, i don't partake in smut via threads. i love platonic and angsty ships, but should you see our muses interacting on a romantic level, feel free to discuss the possibility with me! i don't bite. any nsfw posts will be tagged as nsfw cw.FORMATTING: i do some light formatting am mostly iconless, and obtain my psds from either somresources or jaynedits. any art posted on this blog is not mine. my icon template is from here. in no way do i expect anyone to format their replies in any specific way!DRAMA: just no. unless someone has a history of displaying their toxicity within the community, i'd rather not be put in the middle of drama between two writers, nor do i wish to hear the gossip behind it. i'm tired and want to enjoy this hobby. please don't ruin it for me. if there are callouts regarding people who are a detriment to this community, then i'll share, block, and move on, but that is the extent to which i'm willing to deal with it.MUN: on that note, hi! welcome! i'm BEE. 25+. she / they, pansexual, latinx, EST.
- without getting into specifics (because it's nobody's business), i do suffer from diagnosed anxiety disorders that i am remedying with therapy and medication. i get overwhelmed very easily, and will use the block button liberally. if i disappear for a few days, it's because i need some time to keep my own mental health in check.

TRIGGER WARNING. ➸ it is canon that sapphire becomes a victim of an extremely traumatic SA after her mother's farm was raided by bandits. this will not be discussed in detail, but it is slightly touched upon when mentioning her SCARS and in her BIO.

BIRTH NAME: freya shadowblade.
ALIAS: sapphire (preferred).
AGE: 27.
DOB & ZODIAC: 30 sun's height. / leo.
RACE: nord / breton.
HOMETOWN: pig farm in falkreath hold.
RESIDING: the ratway, riften.
ORIENTATION: pansexual & demiromantic.
OCCUPATION: thief, assassin, farmer.
FACTION(S): thieves guild, dark brotherhood.
DIET(Y/IES): does not worship any diety.
PARENTS: thyra and svend (adoptive) hearth-runner. both deceased. glover mallory (biological father).
SIBLING(S): none.
RELATIVES: delvin mallory (uncle).
EYES: hazel, cat-like in shape.
HAIR: dark brown, sometimes bordering on black, worn at shoulder-length and sometimes pulled back.
HEIGHT/BUILD: 5'7" / slim, slender, athletic.
NOTABLE TRAITS:pointed ears.
MARKS/SCARS: TW:SA MENTION: she experienced certain torture at the hands of the very same bandits who ravaged her mother's farm. as a result, she has a few dagger blade marks lining her inner and outer thighs, either side of her ribcage, and her neck from attempting to escape while a blade was being held to it.
FC: phoebe tonkin.

PERSONALITY: distant, irritable, sarcastic, guarded, calculating, perceptive. | due to what she endured at the hands of a group of bandits, sapphire has becoming very closed-off and hesitant to let anyone in. while she is not hostile unless need be, she will refuse to open up unless she has established a decent and trusting friendship. it isn't until she joins the thieves guild that she lets her guard down just a bit. to date, no one knows her birth name.
ALIGNMENT: true neutral.
MYERS-BRIGGS: ISTJ - the logistician.
SKILLS: sneak, lockpicking, conjuration magic, destruction magic (flame), pickpocketing, speech, light armor, one-handed, archery.
- 25% resistance to all magic due to her breton lineage. 50% resistance to frost due to her nord lineage.
- sapphire is a skilled marksman and blade wielder; both skills she picked up during her time with the dark brotherhood.
- destruction and conjuration magic.
- she has learned to be quite charismatic in order to get a job done. if ever it starts to look grim, she will resort to murder if need be.
WEAPONS: daggers, short swords, bow and arrow.
MAGIC: through her breton lineage, learning magic comes a little easier to sapphire than other human races. everything she has learned is self-taught, and therefore, is not as fine tuned as someone who has been taught by the college of winterhold or other esteemed mage colleges. because she is self-taught, she tends to run out of mana quickly compared to skilled magic users.
- destruction magic: this school of magic is specifically used for offensive spells, as they inflict the most damage. sapphire's destruction magic is shock specific and she is familiar with the spells: sparks, lightning bolt, lightning rune, conjure storm atronach.
- conjuration magic: the school of conjuration is used to raise the dead, summon creatures from the plains of oblivion, and soul trap opponents killed in combat. specifically, sapphire uses this school to conjure ethereal weapons, as it keeps her from being over encumbered and does not leave physical evidence beyond the wounded opponent. she leraned conjuration while with the dark brotherhood. she is familiar with the spells: bound dagger, bound bow, bound sword, conjure familiar, flaming familiar, soul trap.


- her birth name is freya shadowblade.
- sapphire was raised to believe she was fully nord by her biological mother and an adoptive father who took her in as his own. their names are THYRA and SVEND respectively. they lived on a pig farm just outside of falkreath.
- unbeknownst to her for most of her life, she is the biological daughter of glover mallory, a breton blacksmith living in RAVEN ROCK in solstheim. this would make sapphire ½ nord and ½ breton by blood.
- glover had a brief relationship with her mother and left as soon as he found out she was pregnant, as he did not wish to lead a farmer’s life.
- TW: SA MENTION one night, bandits raided the farm, murdered her parents, and kidnapped sapphire. they took advantage of her for several days.
- she eventually gains the bandits’ trust. as they slept, she steals a dagger and slits each of their throats while they slept before running away.
- after this escape is when she adopts the alias sapphire, but later on leads others to believe that it’s because they’re her favorite thing to steal.
- she briefly joins the DARK BROTHERHOOD as an assassin, but eventually leaves, as she frequently butt heads with their leader, astrid.
- brynjolf recruits her to join the THIEVES GUILD in riften, where she remains to this day.
- she has inherited POINTED EARS from her breton lineage. her parents passed this off as an anomaly, and she never really questioned it, even when dealing with heavy teasing from other children in her village.
- sapphire has always had a knack for CONJURATION and DESTRUCTION magic, made easier by that very same breton lineage. she doesn’t always resort to magic, but will do so if necessary.
- she does not fully abide by the guild’s NO-KILL rule. she’ll attempt to refrain from resorting to murder, but if there are moments where she feels she can get away with it while dealing with an especially difficult person, she will not hesitate.
- she is not aware that DELVIN MALLORY is her uncle until her father’s letter is delivered to her, apologizing for his absence and inability to help when she was attacked. she has forgiven glover, but has chosen not to communicate with him.

skyrim verses

I. BEFORE DARKNESS (PREQUEL): taking place before her tragedy, freya shadowblade is the daughter of two pig farmers on the outskirts of falkreath hold. a girl of eighteen at this time, she seemingly does not see herself escaping the simple life any time soon while pining over a young man at the local village in hopes of securing a marriage.II. A NEW SANCTUARY (THE DARK BROTHERHOOD): after the unfortunate events that leave her (presumably) orphaned and traumatized, freya shadowblade manages to ensure her own escape from her captors by gaining their trust and slitting their throats as they slept. still within the borders of falkreath, she is approached by astrid, leader of DARK BROTHERHOOD who witnesses the assassination, and sees potential in a new recruit. having nowhere else to turn, freya agrees - but not before providing an alias (sapphire) when asked about her name. sapphire spends a few years with the dark brotherhood, honing her skills in stealthy assassination, but soon becomes tired of astrid's leadership and empty claims that the brotherhood is a "family."III. SHADOWS GUIDE YOU (THE THIEVES GUILD): after her escape from the brotherhood, sapphire spends most of her time keeping to herself and evading the possibility of being discovered by astrid or her lackeys. she eventually comes across brynjolf, the second-in-command of skyrim's THIEVES GUILD in riften. yet another recruit seeking new members of a dying faction, sapphire accepts merely because the prospect of earning decent coin calls to her. with the exception of mercer frey and vipir the fleet, sapphire finds herself enjoying the company of the ratway's thieves, and begins to warm up to them - something she had not experienced while working for the brotherhood.IV. ANIMAL I HAVE BECOME (BEAST BLOOD / LYCANTHROPY): lycanthropy is referred to as beast blood in the world of skyrim. set in elder scrolls lore, sapphire becomes infected with beast blood and seeks out the help of the companions of jorrvaskr regarding living with or curing herself of the ailment.
- this verse also falls into a modern / supernatural setting.

fandom verses

I. ASH AND DUST (FALLOUT 4): sapphire spent the majority of her childhood and adolescence on a small farm, primarily trading with goodneighbor and neighboring cities. after a group of raiders attacks her family's farm, they briefly kidnap sapphire before she exacts her escape, killing all but one female member who proposed teaching the young farmgirl to defend herself in exchange for her life. the two became partners in their raiding ventures, though often sapphire fixated on targeting groups who posed a threat to those who could not defend themselves. after a year or so of getting used to the lifestyle, sapphire finally turned her gun on her partner for taking part in the muder of her family, and has lived a nomadic lifestyle since.II. FAEWILDS (ACOTAR): prythian and tamriel are two continents a months' journey from one another. after spending some time with the dark brotherhood, sapphire decides she has had enough, and books passage to a new continent in order to escape the death mark placed on her by astrid and her fellow assassins. she finds herself in the land of the faeries - a race she herself has never been familiar with, but attempts to adapt, making herself useful by way of assassination contracts. findind that elemental powers are restricted to some of the high fae, sapphire is hesitant to display her knowledge of destruction and conjuration magic.III. NEW INITIATIVE (D&D): sapphire's background story remains pretty much the same to canon. as far as specifics, she is a human soul knife rogue / ranger multi-class. her dndbeyond character sheet can be found here. stats apply to critical role/exandria-focused storylines as well. this is to be determined, but based on campaign 3, sapphire would likely have affiliation with or be a part of jrusar's hubatt corsairs.IV. ATONEMENT (FAR CRY 5): sapphire is a resident of the whitetail mountains who's been staunchly against the teachings of joseph and his siblings. when the reaping begins, she becomes a member of eli's whitetail militia.

modern verses

I. ANONYMOUS (MODERN): sapphire's main income comes from working as a hacker for hire, previously having been a student at the masachussetts institute of technology (mit). her online alias is simply BROTHERHOOD. during the day, and as a cover, she works at a local history museum.II. ENTOMBED (TREASURE HUNTER): set in modern verse, sapphire is a treasure hunter and former criminal. often, she'll sometimes seek rare items for hire, though depending on the amount offered, she may make enemies by way of keeping the items to herself and selling them to the highest bidder. inspired by: indiana jones, tomb raider, uncharted.III. ANIMAL I HAVE BECOME (BEAST BLOOD / LYCANTHROPY): a modern, supernatural version of skyrim's 'beast blood' verse in which sapph becomes infected with lycanthropy.IV. STRANGER THINGS HAVE HAPPENED (STRANGER THINGS AU): sapphire is a resident of hawkins, stuck in her small town life and making ends meat at the nearby diner while she tries to save up and start a new life. when her parents disappear during the mindflayer's takeover, she's exposed to otherworldly horrors and seeks to help eradicate them.V. BIOHAZARD (RESIDENT EVIL I): sapphire was a member of the raccoon city police department until the first breakout. details will be expanded on as i write, but this timeline spans during the first three games and code veronica.